- Book › Hyper Sales Growth; a great read, with many concise, practical advice on sales and sales teams. A must read. Also check the author’s website.
- Book › How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Blog post › Five ways to build a $100 million business
- Book › Selling 101
- Video › Lecture 19 - Sales and Marketing; How to Talk to Investors (Tyler Bosmeny; YC Partners); part of the “How to start a startup” video series from YC. Presentation from a startup founder of the sales funnel and advice on how to get sales off the ground.
- Blog post › Systematizing Sales With Software And Processes; a post from patio11 (aka Kalzumeus) about the principles of sales automation (deal tracking, follow up, upsales…).
- Blog post › A Technical Founder’s Notes on Sales Team Management; what to expect when building a sales team.
- Blog post › The Zero B.S. Method To Recruiting A Killer Sales Force
- Podcast › The Salesman