User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Before starting It is necessary that the following conditions are met: Outline and...
Respond to emergency
It is important to respond to emergencies instead of reacting to them. To ensure contin...
Execute (kickoff and sprints)
The project goes through several sprints iterations which will follow the common struct...
Dealing with projects
To ensure the success of projects we follow 4 core concepts: Transparency: the clie...
Crisis management
Crisis management is an important part of any crisis that may have an important externa...
How we do demo's to the client
Main Purpose of Demo session Let stakeholders see the user experience of the produc...
Retrospective and continuous learning
At the end of each sprint the team is conducting a retrospective to know what to: C...
Ensuring quality
The goal of QA is to defend the quality of the deliverables (and as the reste of the te...
User story
When starting a project, it is important to define the Product backlog. This is commonl...
Project lifecycle
Following on the Product design, the products goes through the following 3 steps: K...
How we manage our projects and ship products.