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Brand Positioning

Wiredcraft is a digital product design & engineering company.

Brand idea

Engineering innovation.

Company Overview

Please download the Wiredcraft Introduction.

Visual identity

Our visual identity is maintained in the Figma Wiredcraft Branding project.

Everything branding can be found in this Figma project


The primary logo background color is white. The other color variations are secondary and should be used only when the primary doesn’t fit visually. Download Wiredcraft logotype in PNG & SVG.

wiredcraft logo
White background
wiredcraft logo
Black background
wiredcraft logo
Red background

Logo Safe Zones

The safe zone for the Wiredcraft logo can be determined as pictured below. This is the absolute minimum safe space between the logo and other elements, or even the canvas, to keep an optimal visual integrity.

wiredcraft logo safe zones
wiredcraft logo safe zones
wiredcraft logo safe zones

Logo Misuse

The appearance of the logo should be consistent.

wiredcraft logo misuse
DO NOT apply any filter on it
wiredcraft logo misuse
DO NOT use the logo as a mask
wiredcraft logo misuse
DO NOT change the logo’s orientation
wiredcraft logo misuse
DO NOT stretch the logo, change the letter spacing or thickness of each letter

Symbol or Logomark “W”

The “W” symbol is independent from the logotype and is not restricted to the main colors. Both can appear on the same layout as long as they are not combined into a lockup.

wiredcraft logomark
Pixel grid for symbol construction


Our main colors are White, Black, Red, and Grey. The full set of colors can be found on the Figma Wiredcraft Colors page.

wiredcraft colors
wiredcraft colors
wiredcraft colors


Our primary font is used virtually everywhere. From the logotype itself to promo materials, print assets and social media events.

  • NEXT
  • All headlines, titles or descriptions should be aligned left.
  • Capitalization style: sentence case (All words are lowercased, except for proper nouns and acronyms.)

Alternative typography

Google fonts are used in Google Docs and places where custom fonts are not available.


You can create your own documents with predefined styles (font, color, layout) for both internal and external use.

wiredcraft google template
A Google Slides template

Brand Experience


The main point of our brand experience and marketing initiatives.



Guidelines and source files for all of our social media profiles, each includes templates and best practices. General social media guidelines, strategy an approach can be found in the Wiredcraft Playbook Social Media Guide document.


Community & Events

Event Experience

Experience the Wiredcraft brand with our unique approach to events.

wiredcraft shanghai office

Wiredcraft Events

Create our event promo designs with ease with this Figma template.

Figma wiredcraft events


Shanghai Office: Our Chinese home, our world, our universe. Latest office pictures are available on GDrive.

Wiredcraft Shanghai office


T-shirts, mugs, stickers & more. Creating new clothing & accessories, or just want to test out some ideas? Use the Figma Swag Mood Board page.

Email signature

Ronan Berder
CEO & Founder
Wiredcraft - Engineering innovation
Mobile: (+86) 138 8888 8888
Wiredcraft.com / Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn